Thursday, April 28, 2011

Why F is the Scariest Letter in the Alphabet

By Marcia Y. Cantarella, PhD, Author of I CAN Finish College: The Overcome Any Obstacle and Get Your Degree Guide

When we think of F the word that comes to mind is failure. (Then there is the other “F” word, but we will not go there here…) When you think of F in relationship to college life it is a screaming panic letter invested with all kinds of power. Who knew that your entire life was wrapped up in one little letter of the alphabet? But in reality F before it becomes failure (which is not, by the way, a terminal state) also can stand for Fear, Finances, and Fun. Those other F words are the ones that can lead to failing to complete college or to failing grades—which can also lead to failing to complete college.

Fear—the fear of looking dumb is one of the biggest barriers to college success that there is. This is the fear that translates to not asking questions whether in class or of advisers. It is the fear that means you will not get the help you need.

On many campuses first year biology is a course that is taken by students who think they want to go to medical school or enter the health professions (often not because it is a real passion but because of other pressures—more on that in a different blog post). In any event, a large number of students take bio and a large number fail. When I have spoken to these students after the fact it turns out that from day one they did not understand what was going on, but assumed everyone else did (since no one was asking for explanations) and so everyone sat with material flying over their heads and the Fear of being thought dumb keeping them from asking for the help and explanations they needed.

The faculty is there to teach you things you do not know and so asking is part of that process. No one will think you are dumb if you ask. They are more likely to be impressed. If you are in a strange town (hopefully) you do not wander around for hours and days looking for your hotel because you don’t know the way. You stop and ask someone. College is like that. You are the new dude in town and need to ask directions. And the nice thing about college is that there are lots of people there to answer the questions you have. The teachers, the advisers –called advisers because their job is to advise you --, the deans, upperclassmen, tutoring centers are all there to answer your questions and see that you get the information that you need to succeed. And on top of it you pay their salaries with your tuition dollars and so it would be dumb not to get your money’s worth. It would be like paying for the hamburger and leaving the meat behind. So if you want to avoid the F remember that Ask begins with A.

More on other words beginning with F to come...

View the original article here

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