Thursday, April 28, 2011

Selective Service and Financial Aid

Guys, I’m sure most of you are well aware of the option to register for Selective Service (yup, the draft) once you turn 18, but did you know that it could have severe financial repercussions if you don’t? Unfortunately, many students either do not sign up on purpose or simply forget to, however this can affect how much money you get for school!

There is a federal rule that states that “Any man required to register with Selective Service at any time must have done so to receive aid.” If you’re 25 or younger, make sure to register because after this age, it is impossible to register and you will be unable to receive federal aid from that point forward (or at least until the law changes).

Even if you’re not planning to go to school right now, still register! You may want to go back for your degree later in life.Don’t assume you’ve automatically registered when you register to vote, not all states do this!Double check that you are registered and get paper confirmation! Government offices do make mistakes, don’t allow yourself to fall through the cracks. You can go to the selective service website to find your name on the list of registered males, and while you’re there, print off a copy to have on hand.

You’ll have to prove that your lack of registration was not knowing and willful. This means providing as much information as possible as to why you did not register. For example, if you were living abroad at the time, this would be a legitimate reason why you may have forgotten to register. In order to go through with this process, you should contact your financial aid office.

If you are still unable to get federal aid for school, private student loans can be another good way pay for school.

For more information on these Selective Service rules, read this publication from the Department of Education.

View the original article here

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